Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5! Fargesia Red Dragon, also known as Asian Wonder, is a form of Clumping Umbrella Bamboo Plant with narrow leaves remain green throughout the year, and a vertical upright habit, with the added bonus of the most amazing cane colouration. A great bamboo to use in groups or as a solitary.

Bambou non traçant Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' pot de 5L Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' est un bambou non-traçant avec une jolie forme cespiteuse. Ses petites feuilles lancéolées accrochées sur ses chaumes fins lui donnent une allure très aérienne et raffinée. Lorsqu'il y a du vent, son feuillage fin semble danser très gracieusement. Au printemps, ses chaumes fins sont ornés de belles gaines orangées.

Jusqu'à 34 Bambou "Asian Wonder" Groupon ' Asian Wonder ' est une variété horticole récente issue de la culture in vitro.Cette variété de bambou moyen non traçant (cespiteux), atteint 4 m de hauteur pour une largeur de 3 m. Feuilles vertes,très fines. Chaumes verts de 1 cm de diamètre, devenant violacés avec l'âge.Pousse dans un sol fertile, frais de préférence.

Bambou Asian Wonder en pot de 10 litres Bambous balcon et terrasse AUTRES PRODUCTEURS balcon The Fargesia Scabrida 'Asian Wonder' is a clumping, non-invasion bamboo with graceful, highly decorative narrow leaves. The new culms appear purple, maturing to an olive green colour with orange culm sheaths. This is an excellent bamboo for containers and rarely grows over 3 metres, but does grow a very wide clump. Also tolerant of shade and.

BAMBOU FARGESIA Asian Wonder Horticulture Dumont Details One of the best bamboos for cold locations, Asian Wonder bamboo can grow from USDA zone 6b-10, withstanding temperatures down to -20oC or -4oF. It is a non-invasive clumping bamboo that will grow to 10-14 ft or 3-4m high and around 3 ft / 1m wide.

Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder non traçant Fargesia 'Asian Wonder' is a much sought after clumping bamboo originating from far east Asia. It's popularity derives from its unique red colour, which adds a vibrant oriental charm to your garden.. Aside from this, 'Asian Wonder' is a beautiful bamboo in it's own right. It boasts lush, bright green, dense foliage set against dull green canes.

Fargesia Asian Wonder Mirror Garden Offers Description. Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' is a beautiful lush clump forming bamboo from China with rusty-orange culm sheaths and reddish stems turning to green in the summer. Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' in our nursery garden always looks beautiful with amazing deep green leaves contasting against the colourful canes.

Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder Bambou moyen non traçant et retombant Bamboo Scabrida Asian Wonder is the perfect solution for those looking for a non-spreading bamboo that is both beautiful and easy to maintain. Native to the central Chinese province of Sichuan, this bamboo can grow up to 4m tall, with purple culms that make it a stunning addition to any garden.. Whether you use it as a hedge, in a bed or in a pot, Bamboo Asian Wonder is sure to make an impact.

Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder 25% Off - Now £33.75. Quantity: Fargesia Asian Wonder, also known as Asian Wonder Bamboo or Umbrella Bamboo Asian Wonder, is a recently introduced variety which is ideal for UK gardens! Its hardiness, colourful appearance, and non-invasive growth habit combine to make it a great choice. In its native China, Fargesia Asian Wonder is a favourite.

Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder Fargesia robusta 'Asian Wonder' Tough, evergreen bamboo forming dense clumps of reddish-purple young canes about 3-4m tall, becoming green as they mature. Leaves are glossy green and blue-green beneath and 15cm long Synonyms Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' Borinda scabrida 'Asian Wonder' Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now Save to My plants

Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder Asian Wonder Hardy Clumping Bamboo is widely considered to be the most colorful of all hardy clumping bamboos. This bamboo differs from others as culms are orange-red that slowly fade into a beautiful dark green color. The leaves are green and provide lots of movement to any landscape. Family: Poaceae · Common Name: Bamboo

Bambou non traçant Fargesia Asian Wonder Pot de 5 litres Gamm Vert Bamboo Fargesia Scabrida - Commonly known as the Asian Wonder Bamboo. Bamboo Fargesia Asian Wonder, also known as Asian Wonder bamboo or Fargesia Dracocephala 'Asian Wonder,' is a popular bamboo species that is highly valued for its unique characteristics. Bamboo Fargesia Asian Wonder is a clumping bamboo variety, which means it grows in tight, non-invasive clusters instead of spreading.

BAMBOU FARGESIA 'Asian Wonder' Pépinière Le Bambou Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' a un feuillage très dense, idéal pour les haies. On aime ses tiges pourprées. Lire la suite Promo Top des ventes en pépinière Haie / Isolé / Jardinères et pots / Massifs Persistant Toutes expositions -20°C Description détaillée Je sélectionne la taille du plant Turboplant 60/70cm PROMO -20%

Fargesia Scabrida Asian Wonder Bambouseraie Rezo Plant Fargesia scarbrida 'Asian Wonder' has a clumping habit, making it ideal for container or open ground planting. They tend to be a more resilient bamboo compared to other members of the family and can grow fairly fast to develop dense clumps. The Red Bamboo is shallow rooted, therefore mulching to maintain moisture in the soil is highly.

Bambou non traçant Fargesia 'Asian Wonder' jardinière Fargesia Asian Wonder is a clump-forming Umbrella Bamboo, also known as the Fargesia Robusta Asian Wonder. This bamboo is a standout among the Fargesia group due to its beautiful stem colouration which starts purplish bright red and eventually changes to green as it matures.

Bambou Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder Fargesia scabrida Asian wonder Fargésia, Bambou parapluie 26 avis Pot de 2L/3L (Hauteur livrée env. 30/40cm) Dès 20,50 € L'unité: 24,50 € Les 3: 61,50 € soit 20,50 € l'unité Réf: 5790021 Pot de 4L/5L (Hauteur livrée env. 40/60cm) Dès 29,50 € L'unité: 34,50 € Les 3: 88,50 € soit 29,50 € l'unité Réf: 579002
